The 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Materials and Design for Structural Safety and Sustainability (06 and 07 February 2025)

About AMDS3

AMDS3 is organized in Lyon (FRANCE) on 06 and 07 February 2025. it presents a unique opportunity to establish a robust communication platform aimed at fostering innovation within the realm of materials science, specifically focusing on structural integrity and sustainability. It endeavors to serve as a conduit for researchers to showcase their groundbreaking advancements in theotrical and experimental methodologies pertaining to material development.

The overarching objectives of AMDS3 are twofold: to facilitate scholarly growth by providing a fertile ground for the enhancement of research endeavors, and to act as a catalyst in fostering symbiotic relationships between academia and industry stakeholders invested in the advancement of materials science for structural applications.

 The co-chairmen of the AMDS3  are:

  • CAI Gaochuang, IROAST, Kumamoto University, Japan
  • TSAVDARIDIS Konstantinos Daniel, City, University of London, IROAST, U.K. 











-A Student Award with a value of 300€ will be presented at the end of the symposium. The winner will also receive an official certificate issued by the Journal of Composites Science.

- The abstract submission deadline has been extended to October 15th, 2024.

- Online registrations are now possible on the Registration page

We invite all participants to register online using their professional email addresses (Gmail addresses being incompatible). This will allow us to ensure effective communication and resolve issues with message non-delivery.

- The keynotes are:

  • Pr. Brahim Benmokrane  (Canada)
  • Pr. Viktor Mechtcherine (Germany)
  • Pr. Jean Michel Torrenti (France)
  • Pr. Emmanuel Rozière (France)
  • Pr. Τhanasis Triantafillou (Greece)

The gala dinner (February 7th 2024) will be held at Paul BOCUSE Restaurant which is a legendary gastronomic establishment which transcends borders and symbolizes French culinary prestige.

- Important Dates

  • Deadline for abstract submission: October 15th, 2024
  • Full paper submission:  November 30th, 2024


- Authors wishing to present a contribution are kindly requested to submit an abstract according to the proposed templates on Word and pdf (§Deadline and submission procedure). 

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