Deadline and Submission procedureImportant Dates
Paper Submission The Language of the conference is English. Authors wishing to present a contribution are kindly requested to submit an abstract (Limited to 1 page) including title, author names, affiliation, and complete correspondence information for the lead author. Author should use the proposed templates on Word and pdf. Abstracts should also include up to six key words. The full paper ( Word/pdf)is limited to 10 pages including the title page (even numbers only), and should only have an even number of pages. Each registration is allowed two submissions. All submissions must be made online. ALL THE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE PEER-REVIEWED. A book of accepted abstracts will be printed for the symposium, and the symposium proceedings will be published and distributed in a digital form. A selected number of papers will be published in a special issue in the journal “Buildings”.
Authors can submit an extended version of the scientific papers presented at AMDS3 symposium in a special issue of the Journal of Composites Science. Additional information can be found on the journal's website through this link.
Registration required before the 30th September 2024 with order form required, but opening of payments adapted to changes in the health crisis after this date
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